Foto – E.ON

Vårt samarbete med E.ON firar snart tio år. De senaste åren har det handlat mycket om fossilfri och förnybar energi. Vi har besökt biogasanläggningar, dokumenterat solcellsinstallationer, solcellsparker och fotat elbilar. Bilderna har används i allt från sociala medier till större kampanjer.

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Woman stands in work clothes at a workplace in the evening light.
Child sits in the tailgate of an electric car and waits while it charges.
Woman does yoga in front of a house with solar cells.
House with solar cells from above.
Two people in work clothes at a power plant.
Person in work clothes at a power plant.
Flower that grows between two solar cells.
Girl looking out the sunroof of an electric car being charged.
Woman takes groceries out of the tailgate of her electric car while it is charging.
Mobile with the energy app is on a table.
Grandfather with his grandson reads a book under a table made into a hut.

Foto – Öresundstågen


Foto – Clarion